Concerns and Complaints
At the High School we aspire to work in close cooperation with families to develop a healthy home school partnership. We believe that is how high quality Learning and Teaching is promoted and our pupils are supported and encouraged to succeed.
As with all human relations there may be times when difficulties arise in the home school partnership - perhaps you or your child will feel that we have not dealt with a situation to your satisfaction. It is important that we find that out as soon as possible so that together we can set about restoring the relationship in the interests of the learner.
We value the ‘pupil voice’ and Form Tutors and Heads of Year are always ready to listen to pupils who wish to express themselves.
If you feel that a matter has not been resolved to your satisfaction you are welcome to contact the Head of Year.
If after that you are still not satisfied you may bring the matter to a Vice Principal. The Vice Principal, Curriculum and Assessment deals with matters concerning Learning and Teaching and the Vice Principal, Pastoral will deal with matters relating to discipline and pupil welfare. Each Vice Principal will be more than happy to listen to your concern if the other is not available and work with you to resolve the matter.
If after bringing the matter to a Vice Principal you feel there has still not been a satisfactory resolution you are welcome to contact the Principal. In order to ensure that members of staff are available to speak with you about your concern it is best to telephone them rather than call at the school without an appointment.
In the unlikely situation where a satisfactory outcome has still not been arrived at after all these stages you may feel that you wish to make a formal complaint. This should be done in the first instance by writing to the Principal in her capacity as Secretary to the Board of Governors. If your complaint is about the Principal please address your letter to the Chairman of the Board of Governors and post it to school or leave it at the General Office.
The matter will then be brought to the Board of Governors at it’s next appropriate meeting. The Board of Governors may form a sub committee to look into the matter and invite you to come and speak to them formally.
Once the Complaints Panel has made a decision the Chairman of the panel will write to you explaining their decision and advising you of your right to appeal.
If you choose to appeal a completely separate panel of governors will form an Appeals Panel and ask to meet with you and consider the evidence. After the Appeals Panel has concluded it work the Chairman will write to you and explain outcome.
Since 1 April 2017 the Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman has had the power to investigate complaints concerning publically funded schools. Once the internal complaints process has been exhausted unsatisfied complainants may refer the matter to the Ombudsman. There is no time limit to when you can make this complaint.
The Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman can be contacted at:
Progressive House
33 Wellington Place
BT61 6HN
Freepost NIPSO
Tel: 02890 233821
Freephone: 0800 343424