Meeting the needs of the individual child is of paramount importance and Cookstown High School has designed a system to promote pupils’ confidence, to develop positive relationships with other pupils and staff and to enhance self-esteem.
Our Pastoral provision is very carefully structured and is reviewed regularly. This ensures that each pupil’s experiences of the excellence and opportunities afforded to him/her are nurtured in a supportive, caring and disciplined environment.
Each Year Group is divided into Form Classes. The Form Tutor assigned to each class focuses in building a good relationship with each pupil and delivers a programme of Personal Development. The work of Form Tutors in each Year Group is led by a Year Head. The Vice-Principal (Pastoral) is responsible for co-ordinating the pastoral care system.
Form classes meet with their Form Tutor each morning for registration. This also provides opportunity to progress any concerns. School assemblies are held on Monday and Friday and Year Assemblies are held regularly, providing opportunities to celebrate success and develop collective responsibility.
Cookstown High School encourages consultation with parents who should contact the Year Head in the event of individual problems. Opportunities to discuss a pupil’s progress are provided throughout the year at Parents’ Evenings.
Whilst the Pastoral team aims to support pupils in their personal development and in times of personal, family or social difficulty, some pupils may benefit from the opportunity to discuss difficulties with a trained counsellor. Each Tuesday a trained counsellor with ICSS is available in school as complementary support.
Staff are committed to providing pupils with a safe, pleasant and happy environment. Our Child Protection policy is revised annually. Concerns of a Child Protection nature should be directed to Mrs C Allen (Designated Teacher) or to a member of the Safeguarding Team.
A Vice Principal is responsible for pastoral care; she works alongside a Head of Year and Form Tutors for each year group. There is continuity of care from Year 8 to Year 14. Form Tutors meet with Form Classes each morning to enable strong and positive relationships to form and develop; and to monitor the welfare of pupils in each Form group.
A team of qualified First-Aiders work during School hours to provide medical care for all pupils, including those with specified and particular needs. In addition, a counsellor, from an external agency, provides further support for pupils through sessions organised on a weekly basis.
Individual education plans, drawn up, monitored and evaluated by the trained Special Educational Needs Co Coordinator, in consultation with parents and members of staff, support pupils with special educational needs.
Classroom assistants work alongside subject teachers to provide individual support to a number of pupils as appropriate.
Disabled pupils have access to the full curriculum.
Pastoral care, in Cookstown High School, is in sympathy with the school’s Christian ethos.
Give your child a helping hand
Tips for parents from NI Direct on how to help their child with their education