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Miss G Evans | Principal

Mrs C Allen | Vice Principal (Pastoral); Designated Teacher for Safeguarding and Child Protection; Modern Languages

Mr A McGeown | Vice Principal (Curriculum and Assessment); History

Mrs F Gormley | Senior Teacher Pupil Improvement

Mr R Johnston | Senior Teacher Pupil Development

Mr L Forbes | Associate; Examinations Officer; English



Mr N Agnew | Curriculum Leader Physics

Miss A Black | English

Mrs H Blackwood MBE | Music

Mrs H Brooks | Physics

Mr G Carleton | Technology and Design

Mr P Carson | Curriculum Leader Technology and Design

Mrs N Cheevers | Physical Education; Learning for Life and Work

Mr G Cuddy | Mathematics; Timetable and Data Manager

Dr K Davidson | Curriculum Leader Mathematics

Mr S Donnelly | Technology and Design

Miss E Faulkner | Home Economics

Mrs K Fields | Head of Learning Support Centre; Art

Mrs D Foster | Curriculum Leader Business Studies

Mrs J Freeburn | Biology; Head of Year 10

Mrs F Gormley | Curriculum Leader Music

Mrs H Graham | Mathematics

Mr N Graham | Biology; Agriculture; Cover Co-Ordinator

Mrs N Hagan | Curriculum Leader Geography

Mrs C Hall | Mathematics

Mrs A Halliday | Curriculum Leader Home Economics

Mrs H Hamilton | Curriculum Leader Religious Studies

Miss L Hanna | English

Mrs R Harpur | Technology and Design

Mr J Hastings | Learning Support Centre

Mr N Hastings | Biology

Mr M Haycock | Curriculum Leader Physical Education

Mr J Henderson | History; Head of Year 9

Mrs L Johnston | Physical Education; Head of Year 13 and 14

Mr R Johnston | Curriculum Leader ICT

Mrs Z Johnston | Mathematics

Dr H Kane | Geography; Head of Year 8

Miss R Kerr | Physical Education

Mrs L Lee | Home Economics

Mr B Lowe | Mathematics; Head of Year 11

Mr R McAdam | Science

Mrs N McCabe | Curriculum Leader Art

Mrs G McDonnell | Curriculum Leader English

Mrs T McElhatton | Curriculum Leader Health and Social Care

Mrs C McFlynn | Modern Languages

Mr D McKenna | Technology and Design; Head of Year 12

Mrs K McKenna | ICT

Mrs J McMullan | Mathematics

Mrs R McMurray | Curriculum Leader Biology

Mrs R Montgomery | Religious Studies

Mrs C Porte | Geography

Dr A Ranchoux | Curriculum Leader Modern Languages

Miss Sarah Sinclair | Mathematics

Mrs R Sloan | Curriculum Leader History

Mrs A Smyth | English

Mr L Stewart | Business Studies

Mrs L Stewart Murray | Learning Support Centre

Mrs R Thompson | English

Miss E Turbitt | Art

Mrs J White | ICT

Mrs S White | Chemistry

Mr P Williamson | Curriculum Leader Chemistry

Mr C Wilson | Curriculum Leader Careers; Mathematics



Mrs J Crawford



Mrs L Morrison


Mrs S Brimage | PA to Principal

Mrs A Cardwell

Mrs D Duffin

Mr T Ferguson

Mr A Forrest

Mrs L Harkness | Office Manager

Mrs D Hepburn

Mrs J Hunter

Mrs M McGaughey

Mrs L Pinkerton

Mrs E Weir



Mrs K Anderson

Mrs J Boyd

Mrs L Brown

Mrs L Burton

Mrs A Currie

Mrs E Donaldson

Mrs C Donnelly

Miss K Duffin

Mr I Faulkner

Mrs C Gilmour

Mr B Gourley

Ms J Harkness

Mrs D Hayes

Mrs S Holmes

Mrs L Johnston

Mr J Martin

Mrs L Morton

Mrs C Robinson

Mrs C Taylor

Miss L Wilson



Mr K Rollins

Mr N Anderson



Mrs M McLaughlin



Mr A Davidson

Mr P Cross



Ms E Farrell

Mrs K Kelly

Miss K McCaughey

Mrs L Reid

Mrs R Smyton

Mrs M Speirs

Mrs M Thompson

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